Wednesday, February 7, 2007


As I kind of expected, the pompous post below drew the ire of many. So much for that style of writing. I don't think (the few) people who come to my blog come looking for literary entertainment anyway. Guess I'll have to figure out what this is about as I keep writing. One thing I do better than anything else (not saying much there) is making fun of everyone and everything.My everyday life should be comedic fodder enough. Ah well, lets see how things pan out.


Anonymous said...

In any case if the number of words in my comments start catching up with the number of words in your blog, you should think of newer and more relevant topics to blog about. I hope you are thinking about some serious writing and not making the comments the big part of your blog.

As for you doing something good, I am waiting to see the funny side of you. It must be really good since you actually feel it could be a great part of you. When will it be that your every day life is comedic enough and for whom will it be comedic?

Vatsan said...

you would do well to read the disclaimers in the post. I did say I made fun of people better than I did anything else, but also noted that this isn't saying much.

Anonymous said...

There is a well-defined line that seperates playful banter from malicious detest ...